Employment Research Institute's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes, in a webinar as he discussed the importance of living a life of positivity and becoming the person whom you have dreamed of becoming.
Harrison believes that everyone needs to plan - plan to be happy, to be healthy, to be rich, to be successful, to live up to your potential, to have a great relationship, and so on. It is only when you plan to do something that it really happens. Planning is not difficult at all but you need to believe deep within yourself about the plans you have made. Harrison's grandmother believed she would live till 101- she lived well into her 90's. Similarly, the person who retired from General Motors at the age of 65, was depressed, got drunk too much, and died a year after later - he had planned to die. What Harrison is trying to tell you is that planning your life is like planning to move into a new home. You buy all sorts of furniture and fixtures, you design the interiors, you decide the colors, you dream about life there, and more. The important lesson here is the profound belief that they will be living there soon.
So what are your plans for your life? Are you planning for your failure or for your success? A sad or a happy life? A messed up relationship or a wonderful bond? The type of life you have is ultimately in your hands. Drawing on the examples of Harrison Ford, The Beatles, Beethoven, Walt Disney, Michael Jordan, and many more accomplished personalities, Harrison states that being rejected and insulted and discouraged by the world should not stop you from reaching your full potential. How different would life have been if these people had stepped back because of the external negative forces that surrounded them? You need to hold on tight to your beliefs. You need to plan big and live with the conviction that these plans will materialize someday soon. Life is all about what you believe it to be and how you plan to make it the way you want it to be. So go out and reach for your dreams. |