Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes, in a webinar discussed the importance of discovering your true self, confronting your inner being like a warrior, and making way for yourself to achieve enlightenment.
Harrison believes that to gain success in your career and in your life as a whole, you need 'awareness of self'. By this, he means that you need to understand and accept your true nature. You must develop the courage to see yourself - knowing your weaknesses and your strengths will lead you to your true self. The worst thing that you can do is to fear anything and prevent yourself from taking risks because of your fears. Fear is but false anticipation which keeps you from taking chances in life. Your journey to success can only begin if you confront the unknown like a warrior and gain awareness of where you are instead of where you should be.
Take charge of yourself, learn to make decisions, have the courage to be vulnerable, and hold accountability of who you are and what you want to be. This is what will define you as a great leader and a brave warrior. In conclusion, Harrison also stresses that you involve in the process of learning about yourself and your existence. This greatly involves the process of unlearning - that is the unlearning of your fears and mistakes. Harrison believes that without knowledge of who you are, you cannot achieve what you are capable of, you cannot change or grow and you cannot be fulfilled. |