Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes, in a webinar discussed the importance of froth, downward wages and the importance of repeat business.
Harrison believes that one of the most important things that you can have is repeat customers. You want to give people a good value. Whether you are an independent contractor or a regular staff employee in your job, nothing is more important than having an employer satisfied with your work. You want the people you are working for to be happy with your work and use you over and over again. Sticking around for a long time at a company shows that the company considers you valuable and this is what will make people hire you, even if it meant a lower paid job.
It is important that in every job you have, you do the best work you possibly can. You want to be someone who is sought out for his or her work and expertise. You should also find employment wherever there is a lot of 'froth', because this represents an opportunity for you to earn more money. However, another very important thing discussed by Harrison is that this 'froth' moves in cycles, and in many economies, like the present one, it is more important to continue working, rather than holding out for market conditions and salaries that may no longer be reasonable to expect. |