Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes, in a webinar discussed the power of resistance and the tremendous impact it has on your life and career.
Each day of your life, you struggle with numerous choices you have to make and one of the most difficult ones is to resist pursuits of immediate gratification. Such pursuits lure you towards making severe mistakes. Once you learn to resist such temptations it will eventually lead to your success, happiness, and long term fulfillment.
Harrison believes that in order to reach considerable heights you need to resist doing many things which may seem unimportant and negligible. For instance, you need to resist talking negatively about others, being judgmental, having negative beliefs about what you can accomplish, and being lazy. You also need to come out of the 'I' feeling and start listening to what 'others' have to say, giving credit to 'others', being kind and sharing, looking beyond yourself, and very importantly, learning not to control every situation and person that you are connected to.
Resistance is one of the most powerful forces you can use in your life. The harder you work at resisting, the stronger and more successful you will become. The more you embrace resistance and learn to use it in your life, the more fulfilling your life and career will be. |