Career Mission's Chief Executive Officer, A. Harrison Barnes discussed how we need to find the balance in our lives to be happy.
One of the more interesting things about our lives is that we are continually seeking two diametrically opposed things. On the one hand, we are seeking the security and certainty we find in keeping things the way they are. On the other hand, we are seeking growth and progress, which change the way things are. The outcome of change is almost always uncertain and Harrison believes that how you manage the elements of certainty and uncertainty can greatly affect your life.
If you are like most people, you are also struggling with certainty and uncertainty in your career and life. Our need for uncertainty, however, can do us a tremendous amount of harm in our careers. We continually create pain in our careers and find reasons to be unhappy, even when it might not be the most appropriate response or the best thing for us. We may even end up knowingly undermining our careers.
Everyone needs to find a certain balance they need, in order to be happy; it lies somewhere between mundane certainty and chaotic variety. You need to ensure that you too have this balance in your own career. You need to work harder at creating situations that meet your natural need for balance. Only in this manner will you find the career and life that give you the satisfaction you want. |