Employment Research Institute Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses how growth is highly determined by seeing things the way they are
Harrison believes that you need to have accurate knowledge of how things really are in order to progress in anything. Accurate feedback is of great importance and you must positively accept what is the truth. People are more comfortable not knowing the truth because the truth is often not very nice and sometimes ugly. To be ignorant of the truth keeps people within the 'comfort zone', as Harrison puts it, and this is what is extremely dangerous. You must be brave enough to face what is there and not evade it. Evading facts almost always leads to stagnancy and ultimately to downfall.
It is very important to be judged and even more important to act upon the judgment made. You need to measure where you are now and also where you want to go and where you want to be. Just knowing where you stand is only half-way up the ladder. To look at reality in the eye and then improving on the negative aspects is what will take you to the top. You then have the chance to eliminate the negatives and make way for the positives. Once you are aware, you need to constantly push forward and never stand still. This, Harrison states, is one of the major factors which lead to success