EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of optimization in your job search and how it can make all the difference in your career and your life.
Harrison defines optimization as improving every little thing that you are doing by 10% or more compared to everyone else around you. Something as simple as the quality of paper that you use for your application can make you stand out from the pack. Harrison believes that every single detail of your job search can make a huge difference. To get an interview or a job, you need to pay attention to and optimize these details.
Harrison describes 46 different actions that you can take to optimize your job search. Here are some of these actions that will increase your prospects of getting hired:
o Use every single method possible to track down and apply to jobs.
o Be aware of the types of companies/organizations that are interviewing you the most.
o Ask for referrals/recommendations from employers who reject you for a job.
o Call potential employers on the phone prior to sending a resume to express your interest.
o Investigate what other job seekers are doing that appears to be working in the job market.
o Showcase your special skills in front of potential employers.
o Allow employers to talk about themselves as much as possible during interviews.
o Get your resume professionally reviewed to make the best impression possible.
o Apply to even more jobs than you are right now.
o Reapply to the same jobs. Do not give up if you do not get the job the first time you apply.
Harrison emphasizes the importance of optimizing every small detail of your job search. This will, in turn, increase the effectiveness of your application and job search by a massive amount. He concludes by saying that when you optimize every single touchstone, everything changes |