EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses the importance of having a good understanding of the challenges before you, while accepting more responsibilities at work.
Harrison explains the Peter Principle which was conceived by Dr. Lawrence J. Peter in the late 1960s. Peter Principle is a situation in a hierarchically structured administration, where people tend to be promoted up to their level of incompetence. Harrison further explains that it is very common for people doing good work to be promoted with more responsibility. However, the problem arises when this position exceeds a person's level of expertise.
Such situations will always arise and Harrison advises you to be prepared for the next step. If you are not ready for a certain position, it is better you do not take this responsibility until you are ready. This can end up getting you fired or sabotaging your career.
Citing examples from his experiences, Harrison illustrates why you should never get ahead of yourself and take on work you are incapable of doing. You should always seek for new responsibilities in your career but only when you are ready and have a good understanding of the challenges before you. |