EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes, discusses how your brain is the single greatest determinant of what will end up happening to you in your career and life.
Harrison believes that your brain is a crucial determinant in your success or failure. What is most interesting about your brain is that you may be benefited, or held back, on either an organic or a psychological level by your brain. Many of the common problems that people suffer from, such as distraction, worry, anger and more, are often related to a brain malfunction.
When your brain works right, then you work right. If your brain has trouble, then you are likely to have trouble. Exercise, sleep, stress, smoking, too much caffeine, negative thinking, how you think moment by moment etc. can have a negative impact on your brain. Your diet, social connections and being with other people can help your brain. Is your behavior helping or hurting your brain? Focusing on what you love, being grateful and meditation can help your brain.
When you are looking for a job and when you are in a position where you may be seeking a job, it is important to understand that your brain is influencing the things that happen to you. If there are persistent issues that are holding you back in your job search or causing you problems, then it is important to understand just how serious these problems are. It is possible, for example, that there is more wrong than that which just meets the eye. There may be certain variables in your brain that are influencing what happens to you and these may be organic-or they may be psychological.
Watch out for your brain. There are psychological things that are likely influencing you, and there may even be organic things that are influencing what is happening with you. Getting to the bottom of your brain and what is going on inside of you may be among the most effective career moves you will ever make. |