EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes drives home the point that employers really do want to hire you.
Harrison advises all those going in for an interview to remember that they are there because the employer sincerely wants to hire them. Calling for an interview is an immense resource investment for any employer. Advertisements cost money. Interviewing people means spending time not just for the actual interview but also in reviewing hundreds of applications and resumes. So with this sort of investment, the employer must be pretty serious about hiring - and hiring quickly.
Harrison has observed that a lot of people go into interviews with a predefined notion that employers may not really like them, that the employer would have selected someone better, that they are probably not fit for the job and so on. Harrison believes that carrying such thoughts throws off the wrong signals and the employer is made to feel that you probably do not want the job or that you do not have the confidence to handle the position.
It is extremely important to remember that when employers have called for an interview, they desperately want to hire you. They want to believe that you are best fit for the job. And employers want to hire you because you are going to add value to the company. Employers are going to make money through your efforts. So always go into any interview with a positive frame of mind.