EmploymentScape Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Barnes discusses how a change is the most beneficial thing that can happen to us. If you are in a position where you have lost a job, you will be forced to do something new. The ability to start something from scratch gives you an opportunity to rebuild your career and life.
Harrison refers to 'creative destruction' a term coined by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter to describe something that is the backbone of all of capitalism. In capitalist societies, old forms of value creation are continually being destroyed by new ones that are more efficient and preferred. Creative destruction process is continually occurring in all businesses and in all economic environments.
The cycle of creative destruction is something that is also relevant to your career and where you are going. Just as companies are forced to innovate and are destroyed by innovation and outside forces in the economy, your career and job are continually under threat from outside forces and innovation within your own organization.
Your goal needs to be to find where opportunities are being created, where growth has taken hold and things are moving upward. You also need to do the exact same thing with your life-you need to do everything within your power to ensure the structures and ways of doing things are not outdated and ineffective for you. Your goal in life needs to be to be happy and be growing-in just about everything that you do.