Legal Authority Worked for Me |
Thanks Steve. I accepted a job offer from a law firm. I used the services of Legal Authority in obtaining the job offer.
-Milan Laufik, San Diego, CA
Well, I have to hand it to you. Your system actually worked. My resumes went out on January 8, and less than two weeks later, I had interviews with five different firms, including one second interview. A couple of weeks later, I was extended an offer from my first choice. I start next Monday. Thanks for everything!
Thank you for your work! I have already gotten five interviews, and it's only been about eight days since I sent my letters out. I had always heard that if you don't have a job by January of your third year of law school, you don't have a chance, but obviously, that's wrong. I'm really excited about my prospects, and I told many of my fellow graduates to give you a call. Thanks again.
I have recently accepted a wonderful position at a firm in Irvine that I could not have found without Legal Authority. Thank you so much for your work and the effort you put into my job search on my behalf. I am ecstatic.
I have spent the last 15 years as an attorney at a government agency. I wanted so badly to go in-house and do some more interesting work (and get better pay!) Thanks to you, I have, and I thank you very much.
-Yonhi P.
Three strikes: bottom-tier school, practically no legal experience, no bar admission. Yet, I got two interviews and counting. Your service is truly awesome, and I will recommend it to all my friends.
I can't believe I got a job in New York City when things are so tough. It took a lot of letters, but, frankly, I am just happy that I was able to overcome going to a bottom-tier school. I referred the next law clerk who is replacing me to you guys. Watch out!
After sending out 500 letters, I got two interviews and one offer. All it takes is one!! Thanks for helping. Because I had very little legal experience, I kept working in ad sales during law school.
I hate litigation. I hate it with a fiery, fiery passion. Even though I was at an Am Law 100 firm, I basically could not stand my job one minute longer. Thanks for helping me make the transition to a job I love!
Thank you for the help. I just got the job with a mid-sized firm I'd always dreamed about. They're actually paying all my moving expenses from D.C. and my BarBri fees for the California Bar. I couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks.
My law degree was earned in China. I thought getting a summer job with my background was impossible because my career services office couldn't help me, but Legal Authority's marketing got me the job. I'm so grateful.
I can't believe it. I found a job even before the results of my Bar Exam were final. All of my friends have yet to find something, but I will tell them about you guys (now that I'm employed, they won't be competition).
-Phil K.
I'd been worried about getting a job out of law school until Legal Authority went to work for me. Despite my lack of experience, I got three interviews in the Upper Midwest, where I hoped to work. Thank you!
I didn't go to a great law school and my GPA didn't make up for it. Legal Authority helped me send out more than 700 letters, and thanks to you guys, I got four interviews in a city a thousand miles away!
-Lauren T.
I already have 11 interviews lined up, and the calls still keeping pouring in for more. All this has happened within only three weeks after I sent out the personalized mailings that Legal Authority prepared for me.