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"The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other "self-initiated contact" with the employer..."


What Our Clients Are Saying
Legal Authority has helped thousands of attorneys and law students find new opportunities and new careers throughout the country. You would think that we have heard every possible story by now, every set of circumstances that led to success; but no, we haven't. Every client is different, and each one spins a different tale of his or her job search—pitfalls, promising opportunities, and philosophies.

Legal Authority would like to share some of these stories with you. While these can't indicate the level of success that you will necessarily have in your job search, they are certainly an indication of how people like yourself have felt about our service and product. Hopefully your letter can join these ranks soon!

Dealing with customer service is easy

I just wanted to email and say THANK YOU!! I don't know if you remember me, but I used that other company to do a mailing and it was so bad that I was about to give up completely and move back home with my parents. You were very helpful over the phone and I felt like you really listened to me and counseled me on my issues. You were right, too - all I needed was to get something of higher quality to the right firm at the right time. So far, I've gotten four interviews, and I only sent the letters out a week ago. This is GREAT! I'll keep you updated as I go on the interviews, too.
I wanted to thank Legal Authority for a successful job search. I sent out more than 400 resumes, and the response was very positive. I had about 14 separate interviews (most with callbacks for second interviews) ranging from small law firms to the largest law firms in the central New York area. I also received several dozen telephone calls from attorneys who wanted to discuss job opportunities or just wanted to help with advice and encouragement. All together, I received six job offers, of which three were more than satisfactory. I chose a law firm in Syracuse, which was ideal for me in several important respects. I believe that the resume that Legal Authority helped me to prepare was an essential part of the process, along with the data base that we used to set up the mass mailing. I received many complimentary comments from lawyers and others on the high quality of the resume, but they never realized that they were just one of 400. I was not looking forward to this job search, which seemed daunting and overwhelming, but Legal Authority made it easy and organized. I would highly recommend Legal Authority to anyone who is planning an attorney job search. Thank you and the staff for everything.
-Stephen C.
Thanks for your advice. One of the interviews went really well and the other two were just OK mainly because I wasn't as interested or familiar with their areas of practice (medical malpractice) as I was with the other firm (general practice). At the interview that went really well, I managed to go through rounds with all the partners, but was edged out by a candidate that had more trial experience. I will follow up with the firms that haven't contacted me yet. My friends from my graduating class tell me that I am doing REALLY well compared to most and some of them are probably going to call you.
-Melissa T.
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Legal Authority is effective

I was very, very hesitant about Legal Authority. It sounded like a good idea, and the marketing seemed great. Still, I was afraid that that was all that it was--just marketing. So I talked to an Employment Advocate and then waited about a week before getting started. During that week, I asked everyone I knew about Legal Authority. What finally helped me with my decision was that an associate at the law firm that I was clerking at told me that he used Legal Authority. I did not even tell him that I was looking for a job, but when he heard that I was, he called me in the office and told me about "the best-kept secret." He said Legal Authority had gotten him his last two jobs and he was planning to use them again in about six months. So I used the service and sent out 550 letters in New York. In about one week, I had set up six interviews, turned down three, and still had requests. I have just taken a job in the city of my dreams at a firm I love! Thank you, Legal Authority!
Thanks for your help! I just received the documents yesterday and only made a few changes. I was able to finalize them yesterday evening and send them off to Production with confidence. I really thought that the cover letter captured my tone and enthusiasm for my work in a way that I have always been unable to. It was a great decision to work with you!
-H.P., Chatham, N.J.
As a second-year law student at a top-20 law school, I was pretty sure that my career services office had my job search covered. I found out, after on-campus interviewing netted zero interviews, that I was wrong. I'm glad I used you guys. Out of the 250 or so letters I sent out, I got more interviews than I expected, but that wasn't the really surprising part. I got NINE job offers! I've got a great summer job that will definitely lead into a position once I graduate. I can't thank you enough. You guys really did a great job!
-Christine B.
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Legal Authority Exceeded My Expectations

As an eighth-year attorney from a low-ranked law school, I hoped to move from Florida to Colorado, but ''experts' said I'd be lucky if I could even find contract work. Legal Authority got me 11 interviews in Denver and several offers. It's definitely more than I expected, and I am very impressed with your company. Thank you.
-Ken F.
I wanted to do human rights law and couldn't get noticed. Now, I have two interviews with firms that rejected me when I was doing this myself. You guys did an amazing job. Thank you so much.
After sending out 20 plus resumes, I had two interviews: one from [College], and all other colleges replied by saying they would forward my resume to their correspondent business colleges. [University] in NJ said they were extremely interested in having me as a visiting lecturer because of my bicultural legal studies. I feel this is a great response for someone with no prior teaching experience.
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Legal Authority is Much Better than other Methods of Looking for a Legal Job

Some people said that because I went to a top-10 school, I didn't need any extra help outside of the career services office (actually, I think those people worked for the career services office). But they did not get me any interviews, and you did. Thank you so much.
My law degree was earned in China. I thought getting a summer job with my background was impossible, because my Career Services Office couldn't help me, but Legal Authority's marketing got me the job. I'm so grateful.
-Z. Y.
As a third-year law student, I tried marketing myself and got nowhere. I needed serious help to find a patent job, and my Career Services Office was useless. I used your company to send out 650 letters to patent firms, and I've gotten interviews and serious offers on the table already.
-Amy Z.
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Legal Authority Worked for Me

I hate litigation. I hate it with a fiery, fiery passion. Even though I was at an Am Law 100 firm, I basically could not stand my job one minute longer. Thanks for helping me make the transition to a job I love!
Thanks Steve. I accepted a job offer from a law firm. I used the services of Legal Authority in obtaining the job offer.
-Milan Laufik, San Diego, CA
"I just wanted to share some good news. I had 3 interviews last week and 2 offers. It's all happened so fast!! But I'm accepting a position in NY and couldn't be happier. Thanks so much for your help and for your encouragement. I'm so glad that I decided to go with Legal Authority - I don't think that I would've gotten the response I did otherwise. Thanks again and take care."
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Legal Authority is a Good Value for Money

Prior to getting my materials from Legal Authority, I had already sent out several resumes with no responses after a month. These were on jobs posted on web sites and through the bar journal. One particular reply that I eventually received stated that there were more than a hundred applicants. Within 10 days of sending out about 300 resumes from Legal Authority, I had 4 calls for interviews and 2 of those wound up offering me jobs...and it cost me less than if I would have hired a headhunter.
I was a JAG attorney in Virginia, and Legal Authority got me a real estate job in New York City despite my lack of experience. Well, 580 letters later, I got three interviews and two offers. This is a service that I will recommend to all of my military attorney colleagues because even though it's expensive, it's the best money I've ever spent.
-Sheila S.
I got two more calls today. This is so incredible. And ****** just sent me a letter today, asking me to call and interview as well. I've done a lot of targeted mailing before. I have never had any sort of response like this. I've gotten at LEAST 60 letters back, some very terse and two sentences, the standard thank-you-very-much-but-not-interested, but also MANY entire-page-length letters asking me to please write back later in case something opens up. The money I sent you guys was probably the best investment I've ever made. I really wanted to change jobs and get into a firm next school term, and firms are like in a bidding war for me to clerk for them or something. This is so FUN! I have five firm offers! I don't know what to DO!??? I am telling all my friends at school about you! YOU GUYS ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE CAREER SERVICES OFFICE and ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWING! YOUR ADS ARE REALLY TRUE!

Thank you!

Every interview - practically - I went on was so intensely interesting.

Thanks again.
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What Our Clients Are Saying
IT WORKED! I am so excited. About four weeks ago, I got a job paying 40% better! You guys were right on the money...515 letters, four interviews, (I rejected two without going) and ONE great job. And ...
- R.R.

I would like to thank you for all of your help during this process. I truly could not have done it without you or Legal Authority. Given the nature of the profession, I believe that an attorney lookin...
- Mike M.

I attended a non-ABA accredited school that doesn't even require LSATs to get in. Yet I am getting calls for interviews. I think you really presented my strengths well so that I can overcome my lack o...
- Burt

Your Options
Getting an In-House Position
Myth Versus Reality for Law Firm Jobs
Myth Versus Reality for In-House Jobs
Myth versus Reality: Law School Professor Jobs
Myth Versus Reality: Federal Clerkships, State &...
Myth versus Reality: Prosecutor Jobs
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Starting a Career as a Real Estate Lawyer
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Myth Versus Reality for In-House Jobs
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From the Legal Authority Blog
The Practice of Law: To Stay or Go
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The Story Doesn’t End There
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Will an LL.M. help my legal career
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On-Campus Interviewing or Legal Authority
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