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"The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other "self-initiated contact" with the employer..."


What Our Clients Are Saying
Legal Authority has helped thousands of attorneys and law students find new opportunities and new careers throughout the country. You would think that we have heard every possible story by now, every set of circumstances that led to success; but no, we haven't. Every client is different, and each one spins a different tale of his or her job search—pitfalls, promising opportunities, and philosophies.

Legal Authority would like to share some of these stories with you. While these can't indicate the level of success that you will necessarily have in your job search, they are certainly an indication of how people like yourself have felt about our service and product. Hopefully your letter can join these ranks soon!

Dealing with customer service is easy

I have been pleasantly surprised by your service. I was operating under the mentality that this was a last resort, and if it was unsuccessful, I would be forced to open my own practice or move. Two interviews later, with intelligent, pleasant partners at reputable firms, my disposition has improved considerably. You have a wonderful staff, and my results have certainly made me feel better about my ability as a lawyer.
I recently took a position at a law firm in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Contact with this firm was initiated through my Legal Authority mailing. Thank you for your efficient and effective service.
-Jeff G.
I had the most amazing success from my job search. I sent out letters to almost every law firm in the Sacramento area. The representative I spoke with convinced me that I had to get maximum exposure because I went to a fourth-tier school and have spent the last few years in a non-law firm job. I got a ton of interviews. I can't even remember how many I had to turn down, because two weeks after I sent out the letter, I had no less than THREE OFFERS! WOW! You guys did great! Thank you!
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Legal Authority is effective

After struggling with writing my own resume and cover letter, I had Legal Authority take over. I was extremely pleased with how Legal Authority redesigned the entire look and style of my resume and cover letter, giving them a more professional image. Thanks, Legal Authority, for doing such an amazing job!
-Todd G.
I wanted a job in Texas. I sent out 700 letters on Monday afternoon and got my first call on Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m.!! So far, I've had 11 interviews! Thank you so much for all of your work.
-Kim W.
After reviewing my completed cover letter and resume, I couldn't believe the difference Legal Authority made! I finally feel confident about my credentials and my ability to find a job. Thank you, Legal Authority, for making me look so good.
-William F.
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Legal Authority Exceeded My Expectations

Thank you so much for your help! I sent out my letters a month ago (almost 300!) and got 10 or 15 interviews. I only decided to go on four or five because by the fourth one, I already had an offer! I'm working at a mid-sized firm outside of Dallas. I got offered a job at a huge firm in downtown Dallas, but even though the salary was higher, I liked the smaller one better. I'm working there now and just love it. Your service was the best thing I could have ever done!
I attended a non-ABA accredited school that doesn't even require LSATs to get in. Yet I am getting calls for interviews. I think you really presented my strengths well so that I can overcome my lack of "brand name" school. I had hoped that some employers would be able to see the true value under the less-than-perfect academics and you helped them do that. Thanks.
I did a New York City search in environmental/energy and got several offers in the $100K range. I am of course thrilled, and I have recommended Legal Authority to my classmates. I told my buddy that he WILL get a job if he uses you. Another satisfied customer!
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Legal Authority is Much Better than other Methods of Looking for a Legal Job

Some people said that because I went to a top-10 school, I didn't need any extra help outside of the career services office (actually, I think those people worked for the career services office). But they did not get me any interviews, and you did. Thank you so much.
I obtained employment through Legal Authority's service. I doubt I would have been able to do this on my own. Thank you very much!
-Michael S.
As a third-year law student, I tried marketing myself and got nowhere. I needed serious help to find a patent job, and my Career Services Office was useless. I used your company to send out 650 letters to patent firms, and I've gotten interviews and serious offers on the table already.
-Amy Z.
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Legal Authority Worked for Me

I mailed my resumes and I have started to get responses. So far: two calls for interviews (yeah!)

Thank you!
-Jennifer S.
As a first year associate trying to make a lateral move from IP litigation to IP transaction, I was kind of expecting to have to "try again later" when I get more experience. You guys have done a bang-up job with what I had, though, because I'm 5 for 5-5 interviews, 5 offers!! Thanks a million!
I have recently accepted a wonderful position at a firm in Irvine that I could not have found without Legal Authority. Thank you so much for your work and the effort you put into my job search on my behalf. I am ecstatic.
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Legal Authority is a Good Value for Money

I sent out 150 or so resumes to Colorado with your service six months ago and got three interviews and two offers. I love my firm and the job, but my wife hates the cold. I need you again; let's look somewhere warm! Please contact me soon. You guys were the best investment!
I got two more calls today. This is so incredible. And ****** just sent me a letter today, asking me to call and interview as well. I've done a lot of targeted mailing before. I have never had any sort of response like this. I've gotten at LEAST 60 letters back, some very terse and two sentences, the standard thank-you-very-much-but-not-interested, but also MANY entire-page-length letters asking me to please write back later in case something opens up. The money I sent you guys was probably the best investment I've ever made. I really wanted to change jobs and get into a firm next school term, and firms are like in a bidding war for me to clerk for them or something. This is so FUN! I have five firm offers! I don't know what to DO!??? I am telling all my friends at school about you! YOU GUYS ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE CAREER SERVICES OFFICE and ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWING! YOUR ADS ARE REALLY TRUE!

Thank you!

Every interview - practically - I went on was so intensely interesting.

Thanks again.
My results are like one of those credit card commercials.
Cost of law school: $90,000.
Cost of BarBri and Bar Exam in California: $2,500.
Cost of sending out 550 resumes throughout Southern California: $1,300.00.
Receiving 10 interviews and two job offers in two weeks: Priceless.
Thanks for all your help.
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Sign up for a "Free, No Obligation Resume Critique" and "Free Market Evaluation". Let us tell you how much potential you have!
What Our Clients Are Saying
I just wanted to let you know that I accepted an offer and will be starting my new job. Thank you so for all of your help. I had my doubts about Legal Authority, and my husband was very reluctant. I d...
- Linda W.

It has been a long time! I don't know if you remember me, but I signed up with you back in August 2002, before I even had bar results. Well, I failed the July 2002 Bar, but I passed in February 2003. ...
- Brian

Who says you can't find a needle in a haystack? With my Legal Authority mailing, I batted a thousand -- got one interview and one offer, and it was in entertainment law, which my Career Services Offic...
- Jeff F.

Your Options
Getting an In-House Position
Myth Versus Reality for Law Firm Jobs
Myth Versus Reality for In-House Jobs
Myth versus Reality: Law School Professor Jobs
Myth Versus Reality: Federal Clerkships, State &...
Myth versus Reality: Prosecutor Jobs
Pro Bono Legal Work and Your Legal Career
Give Yourself the Most Options
Major Practice Areas Analyzed
Starting a Career as a Real Estate Lawyer
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New York Versus London Firms
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Economics and ''Mean'' Law Firms
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Finding Your Niche - The Smart Way To Market Yourself
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Common Issues Faced When Transitioning to a New Law Firm
Another Success Story in the Bay Area
Why Legal Authority Works: Myth versus Reality
How to Survive an Unplanned Relocation to Join a Future Spouse
From the Legal Authority Blog
The Practice of Law: To Stay or Go
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The Story Doesn’t End There
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Will an LL.M. help my legal career
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5 Biggest Attorney Job Search Mistakes
Attorneys and law students are one of the most ill-informed groups of people there are when it comes to conducting a job search. MORE
Legal Authority Outplacement Program
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Making economic or strategic adjustments in personnel can be a tough decision for any firm... MORE
Law Student Wins with Legal Authority
How a highly successful Manhattan law firm associate auctioned himself off to the highest bidder... MORE
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Legal Authority Is the Smartest Way for Law Students to Find Jobs. Period.
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Do Not Let Your School Control the Recruiting Process
Who Can Legal Authority Help
Legal Authority Is Not for Everyone
An Advocate for Attorneys and Law Students to Get Jobs
What Legal Authority Does Works
Why I Started Legal Authority
Some Things You Probably Did Not Know about Legal Authority
Legal Authority Can Get You Your Next Law Firm Job
On-Campus Interviewing or Legal Authority
How Legal Authority Started: You Need to Have Desire to Achieve Your Goals
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Legal Authority assists more attorneys and law students, at more law schools, get jobs than any other source.
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