Legal Authority
Winter 2007

Since I am an employment counselor, my clients often ask me for effective interviewing tips and techniques. During these conversations, I often find myself analogizing the interview process to the early stages of dating. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. In both scenarios, people are seeking genuine connections with others, while communicating who they are and what they want in life.

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Some lawyers will go through their careers never having to talk about salary. They may be accustomed to negotiating large business deals but have no idea how to handle salary discussions when looking for new jobs. Many people fall into the trap of not planning for the salary questions. This is a huge mistake, and if you make it, you could end up accepting a job that pays less than you are worth. Along with the typical interview preparation, it is imperative to take some time to get ready for salary talk. A few minutes of preparation can add thousands of dollars to your eventual offer.

If you are interviewing with large firms, chances are there won't be much guessing when it comes to pay. However, for mid-sized to small firms, or even in-house positions, salaries offered can be all over the place. When looking for a job in a small to mid-sized firm or in a company, it is particularly important to remember the number-one rule of salary negotiation: whoever mentions a figure first loses.

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When it comes to a job interview, the questions you ask your interviewer are just as important as the questions you answer. Asking intelligent questions during an interview not only demonstrates your interest in the company you are interviewing with but also goes a long way towards making you more memorable as a candidate.

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Legal Authority
By Barbara Llanos

One of the many perks of working for Legal Authority is that we get to keep in contact with some of our clients as they go through the job hunting process. And it is fantastic when we hear that they have found jobs as a result of using our services!

Legal Authority clients often do not realize that those of us who work here care deeply about what they are going through.

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By Jonas Chavez

In our efforts to become America's leading company in the job search industry, we have come to understand the importance of having the best equipment in our production department. Therefore, we frequently acquire new equipment in order to increase the quality of our products. Our production department has just purchased three Laser Mail 5030 High-Volume Envelope Printers. Utilizing these printers will allow our department to increase its envelope-printing capacity from 20 envelopes per minute to 40 envelopes per minute.

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