Legal Authority
Fall 2004
Whether you are a third-year law student or a senior partner, Legal Authority can give you the tools to help you find your next legal job. We have been serving attorneys such as yourself for years by providing quality targeted mailing and career marketing services. Our members know that our employment advocates are among the best in the business and are committed to helping attorneys find jobs.
How Attorneys Get Jobs
Not Interviewing 101
A way to prepare for most job interviewing questions without remembering 101 different answers.
ANDY CORELLI NEVER DREAMED that one day his medium-sized litigation firm, Holmes & Watson, would go under. As the senior associate and, by everyone’s estimation, the firm’s best litigator, Corelli was on a fast track to partnership. But as the firm’s half-hearted marketing efforts failed, their client base eroded, and downsizing soon followed. Instead of moving into a comfortable corner office, Andy found himself out on the streets looking for a new job.

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Preparing for the Bar Exam
Passing the bar may seem like an intimidating and daunting task. However, with the right preparation, success will not be an impossibility.
ALTHOUGH YOU WILL PROBABLY STUDY HARDER than you did in all three years of law school combined, just remember the bar exam is the last obstacle you will have to overcome before officially making the transition from law student to full-fledged attorney.

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Choosing a Legal Specialty
As a lawyer, one of the most common questions I get from people I meet is “what kind of law do you practice?” Perhaps it is the prevalence of this question that makes so many young lawyers feel the pressure to choose an area of law in which to specialize.
HOWEVER, YOUNG LAWYERS, PARTICULARLY RECENT GRADUATES, rarely have the experience necessary to make an informed decision about what area of legal practice best suits their interests and talents. Very few young lawyers have had any true practical experience upon which to base their decision and, instead, rely on how much they enjoyed a particular class or classes offered at their law school--an experience that rarely reflects the daily tasks that a practicing lawyer in the chosen field performs.

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State of the Market

By Adam Avitable

Ask anyone on the street how the job market is faring, and you'll hear varied opinions. "Uhh, not so good!" "It's getting a lot better." "It's in a downward spiral." "You'll never find a job."

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Market Reports
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