By Gordon K. Sattro
As we discussed last week, optimizing your LinkedIn® is mandatory for every job seeker hoping to secure employment in a timely fashion. We touched on the importance of utilizing LinkedIn® and highlighted the following reasons why optimizing your LinkedIn® is something that we must do. Here is a quick re-cap:
- Being in control of the search results on Google® when your potential employers seek more information about you online.
- Marketing yourself to the recruiters that are on LinkedIn®
- Strengthening your connection with people that you have networked with in the past.
- Marketing yourself as the authority in your chosen area.
This week, we want to provide you with some general guidance on how to use your LinkedIn® and what YOU can do to transform your neglected profile into an invaluable tool in your job search. Our approach is as easy to understand as the name L.I.N.K.E.D.I.N.
L: Log-On Consistently: Only you can truly maintain your LinkedIn® profile. While we here at Legal Authority can help you optimize your profile, it is truly up to you to maintain your LinkedIn®. It does take time, but not as much as you might think. By logging on for 15-30 minutes per day, you can keep your connections up to date and maintain a presence on LinkedIn®.
I: Interact with the LinkedIn® Community (Join the 1%): There are many people on LinkedIn®, it is said that there are over 225 million people in the community.Knowing this, you should view every person on LinkedIn® as a potential connection and an opportunity to find your dream job. You can only generate more connections if you interact, meaning you have to join the 1% of people online who generate content. Join groups, comment on topical matters, and keep your network updated.
N: Network online as you do in person: Simply adding more connections does not help. You need to interact. The goal is NOT more connections, the goal IS building relationships. Don’t simply add people, interact with them.
K: Endorse and Recommend others: It may seem arbitrary to receive endorsements, but they really do help! The more endorsements you receive the higher you will be in the search results. Endorsements and recommendations are reciprocal.Endorse and recommend others and you will receive endorsements and recommendations in kind.
E: Keep your profile updated: If your LinkedIn® is not up to date, you are sending a mixed message to potential employers who view your profile. NEVER let your LinkedIn® go unattended.Generally this is the top result on Google; this is YOUR web page. Can you imagine what would happen if Ford® didn’t post their newest vehicles online? No one would be interested. This is the same for you and having an outdated profile will prevent you from learning about opportunities you may not be aware of.
D: Design a marketing message that is tailored to your target audience and goals: How are you marketing yourself? Are you the authority in your field? Are you well accomplished? Are your credentials well represented by your profile? Just as keeping your profile up to date is incredibly important, marketing yourself properly can be the difference between you being contacted by a recruiter or potential connection.Market yourself constantly.
I: Inquire about opportunities to head hunters, friends, and connections: Your LinkedIn® is designed to help you find your next role and land your dream job. If you are seeking a new job and you have not reached out to your network, you are missing opportunities that will not present themselves anywhere else.
N: Navigate LinkedIn® with a purpose: Logging-on is of the utmost importance, but what you do after logging-on determines what results you will realize from having a LinkedIn®profile. Determine your goals and act accordingly. If you are logging on to simply check on your friend’s status, you are using this tool improperly. There is a reason to be on LinkedIn®, and that reason is to further your career.
With the above in mind, 2014 is your year to truly transform your LinkedIn® profile into a tool to further your career. If you have any questions about optimizing your LinkedIn ® profile or what we here at Legal Authority can do to help optimize your profile, simply sign-up at www.legalauthority.com or e-mail me at gordon@legalauthority.com. Next week will discuss more about LinkedIn® and how a refined resume determines the quality of your LinkedIn® profile. Until then, happy hunting!