Legal Authority was built on the belief that there is no point in doing something if it is not done at its very highest level and better than anyone else. I can say that we are the undisputed world leader in the attorney mass mailing service. And our efforts will only continue to improve. The reasons we are the undisputed world leader, and will continue to dominate the market are described below:
First, we have more potential legal jobs and hiring contacts than any single source on Earth. There is no one with more hiring contacts—anywhere. When we started, we knew that there was no reason to do what we were doing unless we did it all. This was a massive goal—and still is on a daily basis. But it is one we have achieved and continue to achieve.
Second, we are aggressively using technology. Recent changes, such as the compact search, and the ability to upload thousands of corrected records in seconds, have improved efficiencies of our workforce by over 2.5 times. We need to continue aggressively using technology to experience the levels of market domination we should.
Third, we stress an outstanding work product in all we do. While our review and revision of cover letters and resumes may seem like and unnecessarily time consuming task—and one that detracts from our profits—it should be noted that we are committed to doing exceptional work. To this end, we have almost from day one had a professional writer on staff to ensure this work is done in a timely manner. In addition, our production department consistently keeps stressing a quality and first-rate work product that is error free. To date, we have done an exceptional job with this.
Fourth, we are a team. There is little doubt that we are a team here! In fact, I would question any organization to try and be more of a team than us. Work can be fun and we can do excellent work at the same time. We are proving this on a daily basis with all we do. Our weekly Attorney Employment Advocate and Production Department meetings have proven an outstanding tool to ensuring we are all in the same team.
Fifth, we exist because we want to help those who have proven they are worthy of help. This organization was founded simply because there was no source in existence which would do all they could to assist attorneys. Our work is noble and has profound significance. We are helping people who deserve our help because they are people who have taken efforts to help themselves by attending law school and completing a rigorous curriculum.
We need to constantly be aware that our goal is to make a meaningful difference in peoples’ lives and that we can do this. We are often people’s last stop in their job search; however, we are without a doubt the most potentially effective stop. There is no more effective way for an attorney to get a job than by using our service—anywhere. In fact, there has never been. We are making history here and changing lives for the better on a daily basis.