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Myth Versus Reality for Law Firm Jobs
Looking for the perfect law firm position? Our database contains virtually every law firm in the United States, Europe and Asia. Simply pick the city you are interested in, your practice group and allow our research team to do the work of preparing your letters and helping you apply to firms. Modified on a daily basis, our database contains thousands of firms that are not even listed in Martindale Hubble or other traditional sources. If you want to practice law in a law firm, we can help you get the job you want. Sure you could spend weeks if not even months compiling information on all the law firms in the cities you are interested in. Alternatively, you could use Legalauthority.com to find the job you are seeking now! MORE
Article Type: Your Options
Myth Versus Reality for In-House Jobs
Looking for the perfect in house position? Our database contains every in house legal department in the United States. Get the in-house position you want now! We can cover a city, or the entire nation. Our job at Legalauthority is to ensure that we put your name in front of every company that may need an attorney like you. As everyone knows, getting an in-house position can be one of the hardest things for any attorney to do. Until now, most job seeker relied principally on job search boards, the occasional recruiter job and the hope that they have a contact-somewhere-that has the perfect in house position. MORE
Article Type: Your Options
Myth versus Reality: Law School Professor Jobs
Yes... you can be a law professor if you are already a lawyer. Want to see if there are any law schools out there that are interested in you? We can help you contact all the law schools in a given area of the United States and find out-very quickly-if they have any interest in you. Researching all the contact information for various law schools could take you weeks. In less than a week, we can have your resume on the desks of the Deans of the law schools you want to approach. MORE
Article Type: Your Options
Myth Versus Reality: Federal Clerkships, State & County Clerkships
Talk about prestige, a clerkship is one of the highest honors in the legal profession and there are numerous places you can clerk. What a fantastic opportunity this can provide to advance your career and be part of the inner workings of the court system. And you can do this at any point in your career. In fact, clerkships are not just for recent graduates, they are also for people who have been practicing for quite a while and are seeking the opportunity to give something back to the legal system. MORE
Article Type: Your Options
Why Legal Authority Works: Myth versus Reality
The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other ''self-initiated contact'' with the employer ...
-National Association of Law Placement MORE
Article Type: Get on Track
What Legal Authority Does
''Legal Authority assists more law students, at more law schools, get jobs than any other source.'' MORE
Article Type: Get on Track
Legal Authority and Law Students
Quite frankly, Legal Authority is not something that every law student in the United States should be using. And not every law student Legal Authority works with gets a job using our service. MORE
Article Type: Get on Track
What Is Legal Authority?
Legal Authority helps attorneys and law students manage their career moves more effectively and successfully. We are not a recruiting firm retained by a law firm or company to screen candidates for positions. Legal Authority is working on your behalf, helping you contact employers that meet your needs. By making more quality contacts, you can produce more phone calls, interviews, and job offers than you can by reaching employers through a recruiter and risking a price tag of 25%-50% of your salary affecting your chances negatively. This is accomplished through the design of high impact resumes and their targeted distribution in the marketplace. MORE
Article Type: Get on Track