Finding Your Niche - The Smart Way To Market Yourself
CORPORATE FOLKLORE ABOUNDS WITH STORIES about the catastrophic failures of some once well-advertised products, such as the Ford Edsel, New Coke, and Japanese Pampers. New product introductions aren't always successful; sometimes they can be colossal flops. For one reason or another, certain consumer items fail to find a market niche. Their names live on only as footnotes in grad school texts. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
Be an Effective Negotiator - How to Get the Salary You Want
ONCE WHEN FLYING TO A MEETING, I began talking to the man seated next to me on the plane. He told me that he had been downsized about six months earlier from a senior management position and was on his way to a job interview. My seatmate said that he had made the final cut in several previous interviews, but had never been offered a job and hoped that this interview would result in an offer. When I asked him what kind of a salary he was seeking, the man reached into his briefcase and pulled out a carefully typed sheet that he said he always showed a potential employer at the beginning of the interview. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
The ''How To's'' Of Successful Networking
YOU MAY DECIDE THAT NETWORKING is the best option in your job search. This chapter and the next will go over now to effectively network. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
Going Directly To The Source - Targeted Mailing
MASS MAILING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ineffective. In fact, it can be highly effective if done right. The key to making it so is to understand the difference between just any mass mailing and a carefully planned, targeted mailing. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
What's Your Story?-How To Sell Yourself During An Interview
SEVERAL YEARS AGO, lawyer and legal consultant Brian Howard was asked to address a group of Washington attorneys on a very sensitive subject: the quality of life in law firms. Howard spoke for about half an hour, concluding his presentation with a quotation from T.S. Eliot's poignant reflection on human relationships, ''The Cocktail Party.'' He then opened the floor to questions, expecting the audience to challenge his views. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
First Contact - How to Take Control of Your Job Search from the Start
MANY PEOPLE VIEW the ad-answering phase of a job search too narrowly, as if it were only a two-step process: 1) You answer the advertisement, and then 2) you interview with your potential employer. The most ignored aspect of this activity is as important as a steppingstone in the middle of a fast-flowing stream. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
Working With Recruiters - What To Expect And What You Need To Know
BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR JOB SEARCH, be sure that your resume is updated and professional. For tips on writing the perfect legal resume, refer to The Attorney Resume Guide to the Perfect Legal Resume. Once you have your resume ready, you have several options. One option preferred by many attorneys, but not possible for every attorney, is that of working with a recruiter. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles
The Behavioral Interview: Interview Questions and Answers
What Is a Behavioral Interview?
After reading the title of this article, you may be asking yourself, ''What exactly is a behavioral interview?'' A behavioral interview is one aimed at evaluating an applicant's past behavior in previous employment situations. The theory is that past performance is the most accurate predictor of future performance. MORE
Article Type: Featured Articles