Legal Authority Works!
If you're trying to find the perfect legal job, there's probably something you don't know. Before you start searching, you need to enlist the best legal job search tool in the world: Legal Authority....
Private Practice or In-House? Choosing the Right Path for You
As your parents may have told you when encouraging you to go to law school, having a law degree means you can do much more than simply work at a law firm. Of course, working at a firm can be terrific ...
Legal Authority Is a Great Way for Law Students to Get Jobs
If you're trying to find the perfect legal job, there's probably something you don't know. Before you start searching, you need to enlist the best legal job search tool in the world: Legal Authority....
Law School for Mature Students
Do any of the following scenarios sound familiar? You have been working for years in a high-level career that is not taking you where you want to go...or you have been slaving away working on your Ph....
The In-House Position Maze
Attorneys have traditionally gone in-house by accepting an offer from one of their clients (or a client of their firms). Nevertheless, unless specifically asked by a client to work for his/her company...
The In-House Position Maze
Attorneys have traditionally gone in-house by accepting an offer from one of their clients (or a client of their firm). Nevertheless, unless specifically asked by a client to work for them, through tr...
The 4 Major Legal Job Search Mistakes
Most people are skeptical about Legal Authority, and others think our service is too expensive. That is good news for our clients, because thousands of our clients get fantastic positions using our s...
Economics and ''Mean'' Law Firms
One of the more notable aspects of the current economic slowdown is the fact that many firms have become increasingly ''meaner'' to their associates. In fact, many firms have become so nasty that man...
Your Job Search Is All about the Numbers
Have you ever heard of Legal Authority?Think hard. You may have seen it somewhere in a magazine or on a website or on a billboard. Did you every wonder what Legal Authority is?...
5 Biggest Attorney Job Search Mistakes
Attorneys and law students are one of the most ill-informed groups of people there are when it comes to conducting a job search. We hate to criticize the group in society who comprises our clients; ho...