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Legal Authority Outplacement Program

Legal Authority's Legal Outplacement Program is comprehensive and structured to meet the needs of employers looking to scale down particular members of their workforce and direct them into more efficient career directions. Whether your organization is restructuring, or responding to your perception of a particular employee's needs in the marketplace, we can help.

Because we have the largest database of legal employers anywhere, we can be effective in helping attorneys transition into new roles within virtually any city in the country where they may need to seek alternative employment. Allowing Legal Authority to help manage your outplacement program can result in significant savings when you consider the value of goodwill from past employees and the moral advantages of ensuring that past employees locate meaningful positions.

Step One: Needs Analysis

The first step of our outplacement service involves analyzing the current needs of the employer we are consulting for. Generally, all initial contact with our offices involves exploring your particular outplacement needs and explaining the solutions we can provide. Our goal in the needs analysis stage is to explore the delicate issues surrounding your need for outplacement services. Once we have done this, we will be in a better position to understand the needs of the individuals within your organization we will be assisting with outplacement services. All information shared with Legal Authority is held in strict confidence and your particular needs are never discussed with the employers you will ask us to represent.

Step Two: Employee Assessment

We believe that one of the most useful things that attorneys can do when switching jobs is to take the time to understand where they are coming from and where their interests lie. Accordingly, we will generally conduct an in-depth telephone interview with each employee to determine exactly where their interests lie and their career objectives. Additionally, we have found the use of the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests useful. We will generally offer this information to your employees and give them the option to complete this information and learn from its feedback. In initial discussions with a given employee, we will attempt to identify job sources they may not have considered initially such as current contacts and other sources of position.

Step Three: Allowing Employees to Learn from Assessment

Once we have had an initial discussion with your employee, we will generally send them several books which are tailored to their particular interests and career aspirations. At a time of change, we have found that many attorneys are hungry for information and this information can come from several sources-including us and other publications. In most instances, we will make an effort to get reading materials into an attorney's hands within 48 hours of our initial contact with them.

Step Four: Resume and Cover Letter Creation

After our initial contact with an attorney, we will make an effort to work with them to craft and revise a cover letter. Depending upon the situation a given employee is coming from, we may prepare the resume and cover letter for them and allow them to revise additional drafts of the resume.

Step Five: Employer Identification

Using our database, we will work with each employee to help them approach employers in the given areas of the United States they are interested in. We can approach as few as one legal hiring organizations or as many as 500. Our job is to ensure that your given employee gets a new position through our efforts. Since we are not an attorney recruiting firm, our candidates benefit from the fact that no recruiter is involved in their job search and that our only objective is to provide support to help your employee find new work.

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