Some Things You Probably Did Not Know About Legal Authority
Does this work?
Many attorneys who have used self-initiated targeted mailing originally tried the other ways to find a job that you may have. It did not work for them either. Beyond even compensating for ineffective methods for location a position, however, Legal Authority provides you with the exposure to the most opportunities. Having the most options is simply a good strategy for your job search. Would you rather have one job offer, or several?
We believe the methods we use to give attorneys exposure to the largest possible market of employers are the most effective means to an interview and potential job. When you conduct your job search through Legal Authority, you have the luxury of approaching every legal employer that matches your interest in every area of the world where you are interested in working. The services we provide empower you to perform a more pro-active, expansive job search that will greatly increase your chances of finding the job that you want. If you use a job posting board, recruiter, or other method, you will have reduced your exposure to a fraction of the employers available through Legal Authority.
How many legal employers are in Legal Authority's database?
We have over 500,000 legal employers in our database. This includes law firms, corporations, public interest groups, private associations, law schools, municipal, state and federal offices, state representatives, United States politicians, foreign ambassadors, and many other miscellaneous types of legal employers. If there is an organization that employs attorneys in the United States, the chances are extremely good they are in our database.
Why should I spend money on Legal Authority when I can do all this myself?
You can do it yourself. You can go the library, subscribe to over 50 legal directories and newspapers, call each employer and get the name of the people in charge of making decisions, and write it all down. Then you can input all this information into a database and then you can update that information on a daily basis seven days a week. If you think this is easy, think again: We have over forty people doing this for us on a daily basis in both the United States and abroad.
Then, while trying to hold down a full time job, you can create and revise an effective cover letter and resume that will draw any employer's attention. Don't forget to have your friends (are they experts on cover letters and resumes?) proofread your resume and give you editing suggestions. After you have perfected your resume, you can print out hundreds of cover letters, resumes, and envelopes on a laser printer, and then, finally sign, stamp and mail all of those letters. Hopefully, you will have reached every possible employer that matches your interests. This could take you a week, it could take you four months, or you might never finish the task.
Or you could call us.
How much will this cost me?
The cost is up to you and it depends on how expansive you want your job search to be. There are no hidden charges. We charge a Membership Fee that allows us to continually update and expand our sophisticated database and covers the cost of us preparing your resume and cover letter from scratch. The only other charge is a small charge for every employer for whom we prepare resumes, cover letters, and envelopes on your behalf. This charge also decreases depending on how expansive your job search will be. When you consider that each interview you receive will have cost you less than a coffee at Starbucks, you can see that our service is worth every penny. Click here for the details about the pricing.
What about getting a job through a job posting board on the Internet?
In our job, we speak with hundreds of legal professionals each month. The number of these professionals who have found legal employments from a posting on the Internet is dismally small.
There are several reasons the Internet is not the best sources for jobs.
1. Law firms are known as ''dinosaurs'' for a reason.
Job posting boards like are effective for companies that are comfortable with online job hunting and recruiting. As a rule, law firms, law schools, remain most comfortable with ''snail mail'' - cover letters and resumes they receive from the post office, not from the Internet. Writing professional cover letters on good stationary that show you have taken time to contact the employer by writing a letter, addressing an envelope, stamping it and putting it in the mailbox is far more effective than simply hitting the ''send'' button on your email program.
In addition, government offices, hiring partners, and recruiting coordinators rarely advertise, and they have the luxury of waiting for the resumes to come in the door. Unless they are doing proactive recruiting with legal search firms or law schools, there is little ''resume searching'' that is done.
2. The Internet allows for overwhelming responses to every job posting.
If an employer is posting a job online, they will likely receive hundreds, or even thousands, of responses. You will be competing with every attorney with a computer who can email their resume.
3. A high number of the jobs on many posting boards online are outdated.
The legal employers who use the Internet as a source to find resumes generally use it as a secondary tool to hands-on, offline recruiting and resume searching. Consequently, when a job is filled, many employers forget to remove or delete the jobs they have posted throughout the many posting boards.
4. No single source of jobs on the Internet is complete.
You may need to review more than 50 job websites just to find 1/10th of all the jobs out there. Simply put, this is an ineffective way to search for a job. By using Legal Authority, you can approach all of the employers in a given market very quickly and cost-effectively. Alternatively, you can keep checking job-posting boards for weeks or months until a job that looks good comes along and then hope you stand out among the numerous resumes sent to the employer.
What Makes Legal Authority So Unique?
We give you the tools to perform the most effective job search, but you remain in control of every aspect. With the use of our database of employers and our team of experts reviewing your resumes and cover letters, you will be able to realize your full job hunt potential.
How expansive should my job search be?
In a market as small as the San Francisco Bay Area, we have well over 1000 legal employers. Should you approach them all? It will ultimately be your decision. You would think that if you wanted to work in a market as small as the San Francisco, you would not need to approach 1000 employers. The problem is that getting a position is very numbers driven. The more employers you approach, the more likely you are to get an interview, and the more likely you are to get a job offer. This does not mean that you need to send out such a high volume of letters in your specific job search. In some cases, we may recommend you only send out 25 or less. However, the more options you have, the more likely you are to find a great position that matches your qualifications and skills. And that is really the essence of becoming a client of Legal Authority: You are in charge of determining your career destiny.
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Article ID: 70121
Article Title: Some Things You Probably Did Not Know About Legal Authority
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