Timing is Everything
The old cliche, 'timing is everything' is a phrase which relates to many of life's situations. In an attorney's job search, this statement cannot be overemphasized enough. Often times, I hear many mis...
Your resume must grab an employer's attention in less than a minute
It may sound harsh, but busy employers don't spend much time perusing the hundreds of resumes they may receive each day. When you are searching for a job, your resume must deliver the greatest impact ...
Why Legal Authority Works: Myth versus Reality
The most common means of obtaining a job was a letter or other ''self-initiated contact'' with the employer ...-National Association of Law Placement...
Some Things You Probably Did Not Know About Legal Authority
Does this work?
Many attorneys who have used self-initiated targeted mailing originally tried the other ways to find a job that you may have. It did not work for them either. Beyond even compensating...
What Legal Authority Does
''Legal Authority assists more law students, at more law schools, get jobs than any other source.''...
Legal Authority and Law Students
Quite frankly, Legal Authority is not something that every law student in the United States should be using. And not every law student Legal Authority works with gets a job using our service....
An Advocate for Attorneys and Law Students to Get Jobs
In terms of helping attorneys get jobs, one of the more effective means for doing so is by approaching the specific types of employers you would like to work for (whether or not they are soliciting ap...
Your Leagl Authority Membership Benefits
The first step in allowing Legal Authority to help you land the job of your dreams is to become a member....
Legal Authority Is Not for Everyone
Quite frankly, Legal Authority is not for everyone. And not everyone we speak with chooses to use Legal Authority. Legal Authority is the perfect example of the old adage, ''You get what you pay for.'...
Your Job Search Is All about the Numbers
Have you ever heard of Legal Authority?Think hard. You may have seen it somewhere in a magazine or on a website or on a billboard. Did you every wonder what Legal Authority is?...