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''The Road to In-House Employment: Why Legal Authority Works''

Legal Authority probably helps more attorneys market themselves to in-house positions than any other organization in the United States. Every day of the week, numerous attorneys land in-house jobs using Legal Authority.

We speak with many individuals who have been looking for the perfect in-house job for years, but with no luck. After using Legal Authority, many of these same individuals receive multiple offers from in-house employers within weeks. This article will examine some of the common problems with getting in-house employment, and the strengths of using Legal Authority compared to other search methods.


With the usual ways of looking for jobs, many attorneys actually end up either without an in-house position or in a position they are unhappy with. In fact, for many in-house attorneys this seems to be the norm. There are many reasons for this, and they include: (A) a lack of information, (B) a lack of initiative, and (C) a lack of time.

A. A Lack of Information

Very few in-house positions are advertised on an ongoing basis. However, in a market such as Los Angeles there are literally thousands of in-house legal departments. These in-house positions are certainly being filled, but most attorneys never hear about these openings. One reason for this is that many in-house legal departments already have candidates for their positions without ever advertising them or engaging a recruiting firm. We'll explain why this is later.

B. A Lack of Initiative

Attorneys rarely have good information about potential opportunities, and the only way to get this information is to research every potential in-house employer in the market in question. Because there is no single published source that lists all in-house employers, the task of contacting all of these companies would be massive. Very few attorneys have a fraction of the patience and resources it would require to track down all of this information.

C. A Lack of Time

The traditional ways that attorneys get in-house positions are through "networking" or being hired by existing clients they have done outstanding work for. If you were to attempt to "network" the 5,000+ companies in our database in New York State, for example, you could spend several lifetimes tracking down an appropriate opportunity, and you are likely to only have a handful of those companies as clients.


The traditional problems with getting an in-house legal position, a lack of information, a lack of initiative, and a lack of time, are all addressed by Legal Authority. Our entire system is designed to overcome these weaknesses and to provide resources that were previously unavailable. Legal Authority assists more attorneys in getting in-house positions than any other single company in the United States because we have resources that have never been brought together in such a way before.

A. Information Access

Legal Authority operates 24 hours a day seven days a week. Our in-house database is the largest and most complex of our employment databases. More than 15 researchers update our in-house hiring contacts and add new corporations to our database daily. Our database contains every company with an in-house legal department in the United States. In addition, we maintain a database of every company in the United States with revenues of more than $5,000,000. Because company personnel change quite frequently, we update each of our hiring contacts in our database at least 4 times a year. No printed source, or commercially available resource even comes close to this real time accuracy and breadth and quality of information.

The cost of getting contact information for in-house positions into our database is staggering. We are able to charge so little to give attorneys access to our information only because thousands of attorneys use Legal Authority to get in-house positions each year.

Our data is sorted by several thousand different types of employers. In addition, our data contains exact annual revenues for each company. Using our data, an attorney can apply to any type of company they choose. For example, if your former job was as the General Counsel of an automobile parts manufacturer (an actual search), we could provide information on every automobile parts manufacturer in the United States within a revenue range you specify, or within a specific city or state.

B. Initiative

With the information and customer service we provide, your job search will require little effort on your part. All you have to do is pick up the phone and talk to us about what kind of company you want to work for and where you want to work. Together, we can structure a search that is as narrow or as broad as you need. The only initiative required is to sign your cover letters (that we can write for you) and mail your resumes.

C. Time

Legal Authority puts time on your side. While a fraction of attorneys will always seek out and get positions by networking and working for their clients, most attorneys realize this is not a realistic long-term option. You simply cannot give yourself the type of exposure your career needs by using a narrow circle of contacts.

Numerous attorneys have radically increased their compensation for in-house positions after using Legal Authority. Using only your contacts, you certainly would never have the option of knowing the range of opportunities available. Legal Authority allows you to learn about every potential opportunity available that fits what you are seeking to do. Even if one of your personal contacts leads to a decent job, imagine what you could accomplish by making every possible contact.


The route that most attorneys take to getting an in-house position is often counterproductive. The objective of any job search should be to get the best position possible that best matches your requirements.

Unfortunately, because of a lack of information about existing positions, the inability to take the initiative to find them, and a lack of time, most attorneys never find that perfect in-house position. While a service like Legal Authority costs money, the economies of scale make our service far less expensive than it would be if you were looking for an in-house position without our assistance. The time you will save alone more than pays for our services.

The main advantage to using Legal Authority for an in-house search is that it gives you access to information that would be impossible to find on your own. Having access to this information allows attorneys be proactive and save a great deal of time in tracking down positions. This is the essence of an effective job search and it is why so many attorneys get in-house positions through Legal Authority.

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