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Senior Associates Contemplate Mid-Career Moves

By Judith Earley

Every year hundreds of highly paid and highly qualified senior associates contemplate the decision whether or not to seek a position at another firm. Some make the choice because it provides a better chance to make partner; for others, the motivation is better hours or a change of environment.

But even with years of experience under their belts, senior associates may find the second job search to be even more tenuous than the one they underwent when they were fresh-faced law school grads. Many, thinking they'd be able to write their own ticket, are stunned by the circumspection with which they are viewed by other firms.

The bad new is that some law firms are cautious—sometimes overly so—of bringing on board senior associates who carry more professional baggage and command higher salaries than would the new crop of young lawyers. A senior associate usually has to wait for at least three years to be evaluated by his or her new firm before being considered for partner.

Additionally there are always more senior associates than there are slots for new partners. And firms who promote heavily from within their own ranks acknowledge that they avoid hiring too many new attorneys who could one day leapfrog over associates already within the system.

But on the upside, partners will always need senior associates. Seniors can bill between $300 and $400 an hour, supervise younger associates, and manage cases and projects without direct supervision. So what is the best way for knowledgeable and experienced senior associates to make the transition to a new position? By utilizing the services of Legal Authority's highly trained professional staff.

Assessing strengths and weakness, identifying his or her best-fit niche and instituting appropriate marketing strategies are the absolute best ways for senior attorneys to advance their own careers. Results of this type of individual introspection are vital to a superior job search. That's where Legal Authority can help.

We do the work for you, and since most attorneys obtain jobs by directly approaching firms who are not actively soliciting resumes, it is essential to have a exceptional cover letter and resume, to know the best target firms for your skill set, and to mail a sufficient volume of resumes to achieve your desired results.

With up-to-date information on hiring contacts and the culture of more than two million legal employers, including law firms, corporations, cities, counties, judges, public interest organizations, prosecutors, public defenders, law schools, legal associations, and political offices, we have access to more legitimate job opportunities in our database than any other legal recruiter in the world. A staff of more than 50 dedicated legal researchers working all over the world updates our information 24-hours a day. More than 1,500 hiring contacts are modified each day.

With access to such in-depth information, we can help determine which type of environment would provide the best match of office culture and job requirements with your personality and skill sets. This includes non-traditional work arrangements and part-time opportunities. Work success is a major component of life success. Let Legal Authority help you find your niche.

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