Are you currently an attorney looking to get out of the legal profession? More and more, people from diverse walks of life are obtaining their J.D.s without having the intention of necessarily practicing law forever. They realize the prestige that a J.D. will bring to them in any business venture. Doors will be open to them in many corporate areas. Or at the very least, doors will be open slightly more to them than to others without such a degree.
Non-legal jobs are indeed out there for the J.D. to take.
While legal work can be quite lucrative, we all know the drawbacks as well:
- Long, stressful days
- The pressure to accumulate billable hours
- Miles of paperwork
- Precious little time for yourself

What else is out there?
These are just a few examples of non-legal, corporate jobs that could easily be filled by attorneys:
- Executive positions
- Research
- Consulting
- Human Resources
- Taxation/Accounting (especially with an LL.M.)

We're not directing you toward advertised positions : like a job board would. Instead, with our assistance, you'll be approaching companies directly and offering your services.
State your case in your cover letter.
The cover letter is where you propose to the employer precisely what you're looking for. We help you craft your resume and cover letter to aim it specifically at the employers you've chosen. This is important, especially for lawyers who are leaning toward getting out of the legal profession. You can explain your situation exactly the way it is. Explain why you no longer wish to practice law while detailing how your previous experiences in the law will help with a new position.
The grunt work.
Once the wording is decided, we then print out the cover letters and envelopes, individually addressed to the hiring directors at all the places you've selected. The letters are individually signed by you, and they'll never know it's part of a mass mailing. It will look as if you yourself had done all the grunt work of finding them.
Imagine being the hiring director at a corporation and receiving a resume and cover letter from a reputable attorney asking about employment opportunities within your organization. That would certainly grab your attention, and that's exactly what Legal Authority offers you.
Proven success.