First, government positions are most often secure. Many government attorneys practice their

Second, government attorneys are often quite collegial with one another, and there is a fraternity of sorts amongst them because they are not competing to bill hours. Government attorneys often become quite close, and it is not uncommon for them to work side by side for two to three decades. Without the massive economic and billing pressures of a law firm or the economic uncertainty of many in-house positions, government attorneys are not competing with each other as aggressively and often become close friends.
Third, the work government attorneys do is often immensely interesting. For example, you may be working on the type of high-profile litigation

Fourth, given the importance of the work they do, many government attorneys receive training and get a skill set that actually continues their advancement in private employers' eyes. Throughout the United States, there are numerous partners in important law firms who received a decade or more of training as prosecutors before returning to the private sector.
Fifth, being a government attorney can potentially lead to an excellent career in a higher government post. A large number of federal judges started out as prosecutors at the state and federal levels. Additionally, many important cabinet positions in both federal and state governments are filled by government attorneys each year.

At the end of the day, many attorneys choose not to work for the government. One of the more common reasons attorneys do not choose government work is because of perceived financial concerns. Nevertheless, many government attorneys do make more than $100,000 a year and live comfortably. There may not be new Porsches in most of their futures, but money is not the major motivation for most government attorneys. Many government attorneys simply enjoy practicing law with like-minded individuals in a relatively secure environment.

Surprisingly, government opportunities are not often requested by Legal Authority clients. When you consider the lives many government attorneys lead and how interesting the work is, this is surprising. While the searches we generally conduct for government attorneys are often less extensive than the law firm or in-house searches, government searches are often the most satisfying for us because we know the attorney is likely to land a position he/she is happy with—which is what it is all about in the end.