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25 reasons to use Legal Authority and 25 reasons NOT to use Legal Authority

Weighing your options about your career search?
Here are two comprehensive lists to help you decide whether or not Legal Authority can benefit you

25 Reasons NOT to Use Legal Authority:

1.   You don't want a better job.

2.   You don't need professionals to help you with your resume because your own version has gotten you worlds of results already.

3.   You're happy with your pay.

4.   You enjoy working 50, 60, 80 hours a week.

5.   You like having your resume submitted among hundreds of others vying for that one advertised position on a job board.

6.   You love being rejected - or ignored altogether - by recruiters.

7.   You have little interest in quality time with your family.

8.   You don't need professionals to give you the names and addresses of hundreds of employers who are eagerly looking to hire. Even though these employers don't advertise their openings, you're confident that you can sniff them out on your own.

9.   Who needs a social life?

10.   You're comfortable waiting for jobs to come to you.

11.   Your school's Career Services Office promised you'd be employed before you graduate, so you're happy just to wait.

12.   You don't really want a legal job anyway. "You want fries with that?"

13.   Looking for a job is already a fulfilling full-time job.

14.   You like waiting by your computer until a job board posts a new opening… and then racing to be among the first to apply. (Not that being first will get you anywhere…you just like to be first.)

15.   You have no interest in wearing those new suits and shoes.

16.   Law school was merely an idle pursuit that only cost you $100,000 or so.

17.   You're waiting to hear back from that one firm that you contacted six months ago. After all, they said they'd get back to you.

18.   Your dad's friend-of-a-friend has a potential contact, so now you're just waiting for him to come through for you. People love going out of their way to help total strangers find jobs.

19.   It's a bad job market out there, so you can just wait a year for it to improve before you pursue your job search aggressively.

20.   You like your desk chair at home, and you don't want to give it up if you find a job.

21.   You like sleeping in 'til noon too much.

22.   Someone else will probably get the job you want anyway, so you know it's best to sit tight for now.

23.   You feel really lucky about the upcoming Lotto.

24.   When people ask you what you do for a living, you love beginning your reply each time with, "Ummmm, well for the time being I'm…I mean…"

25.   You don't believe Dante when he said, "Now you must cast aside your laziness and act."

25 Reasons to Use Legal Authority:

1.   You want to find the very best job possible.

2.   You want a job that meets all of YOUR criteria, including the type of work, the location, the size of the firm/office, etc.

3.   You realize the importance of getting a team of dedicated professionals behind you, taking pride in YOUR success.

4.   You want us to send you hundreds (or as many as you choose) of preprinted resumes, cover letters, and envelopes-all individually addressed to the personnel contacts of law firms, corporations, agencies, etc. Each one will be personalized; they'll never know it's part of a mass mailing.

5.   You want your choice of all available opportunities-not just one at a time as advertised on the job boards.

6.   You're bright enough to realize that some 80% of legal jobs come from contacting firms directly and professing your interest…instead of waiting for them to advertise.

7.   If you're already a proven attorney with a solid job, you want to know what else is out there.

8.   If you're a recent grad, you need to know what's out there.

9.   You realize that there are millions of potential employers in our Legal Authority database and that it's impossible to contact them all on your own.

10.   You value the advice of qualified and dedicated career counselors.

11.   You're thinking of relocating, but have no idea what legal jobs are available in your chosen location(s).

12.   You're frustrated with recruiters, job boards, want ads and the like.

13.   You don't have the time to do a proper, thorough, and effective job search.

14.   You have the time, but you realize you don't have the vital information.

15.   You realize that legal employers receive hundreds of resumes within minutes of posting a single job. Everyone is just as hungry as you, and you need an edge.

16.   You're ready to bite the bullet and admit that your resume and cover letter are falling just a bit short…and that a professional service is just what you need to get you to the next level.

17.   Or you're perfectly satisfied with your resume and just need to know the best places to send it…places in our proprietary database that you won't find advertised anywhere else.

18.   You understand the benefits of direct marketing in large, comprehensive numbers.

19.   You realize the truth of the old proverb: "Insanity is the act of trying the same things over and over again, but expecting a different result each time." If your own job-hunting methods are proving unsuccessful, isn't it time to try something new?

20.   You realize that investing a very reasonable fee in Legal Authority is infinitely more valuable than buying job-hunting books, self-help seminars etc.

21.   Contacts are fine, but you understand that waiting for your contacts to come through for you may turn into a lengthy affair.

22.   You come to the realization that you have no contacts and you want to get on track.

23.   You like the idea of sending hundreds of letters at a time…instead of sending them out one by one sporadically.

24.   You want to be the next person to add to our growing list of success stories, as seen on our testimonials page.

25.   And we want you to be that next person, too.

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