Hi, my name is Harrison Barnes. I'd like to tell you a little bit today about Legal Authority and why I strongly recommend that you use the service. I know you've come and talked to an employment advocate, and I know you've had the time to really consider this service, but I really, really, really want you to think about a few things about Legal Authority before you make your decision.
You know, Legal Authority has been honestly the most effective business that I have ever been involved with, and it's got so many people jobs, I mean, thousands and thousands of people jobs. Almost all of our clients are people that are repeat clients that have actually used this service before and have found jobs through it, and they keep coming back to it again and again, because they know it works. In order for you to understand what Legal Authority does, I want you to basically step back and take a moment and think about a few things.
First thing is, is that Legal Authority enables you to apply to every employer that matches your interests at one time. Not just a few employers, but every single employer. A lot of people will tell you well there's no job openings and that kind of thing when you're applying to so many employers, but the fact of the matter is, when you segregate the employers in a geographic area, employers, especially in the legal industry, are really kind of hiring at all times, because it's not like other industries where a job just kind of appears. It's like if a practice is growing or someone has a lot of work, then they will tend to want to hire people. They will bring people on because — you need to think about it this way: Like, if an attorney has 2,000 hours worth of work and they can do it themselves, but if they have 3,000 or 4,000 — I'm talking about law firms and larger hiring organizations — and they can't do it all, but they know they could bill it out if they had more attorneys, they will bring people on. So, when you're applying to the legal industry, you're basically almost sending out business proposals, and most legal organizations are very staid kind of organizations and don't really know how to go out and advertise their jobs. So when you show up to those organizations, and law firms and corporations and things like that, you have a much, much better chance of getting the job.
I've seen this process work, I've seen it work thousands of times, and I've actually had my best friends use this service because I know that it works. You know, I work in Los Angeles and, you know, I've worked in New York and lots of big cities, and every job that I've personally ever gotten with almost one or two exceptions has been through this sort of mass mailing way of getting a job. You know, I haven't necessarily always used recruiters, I haven't done job boards and things like that — I've really kind of concentrated in this way of getting a job because when you mail a resume and you hit every single employer in your organization and geographic area at one time, it's very, very effective. You're making sure that you have the market covered.
And, you know, back to Los Angeles, there's probably, in my account, there's about 200 law firms that use recruiters. And it actually depends on the economy, so if the economy's bad, the number's less than a hundred, but about 200 law firms. But in Los Angeles county in terms of law firms with more than one person, I mean, you're talking about thousands and thousands of law firms. And then if you take a practice area like litigations, there's thousands and thousands, or corporate, there's thousands and thousands, and certain practice areas are smaller but you're talking about such an incredible number of employers out there that have the kind of potential to hire you. And, this works, I mean I've seen people from you know, I mean, some examples come to mind…
I remember there was a group of guys that were friends at Thomas Cooley and all wanted to — it was just a law school in Lansing, Michigan, that typically doesn't send a lot of people out of state — and I remember those guys relocated to Los Angeles, you know, using this service. And, I've seen people in Florida, like, relocate to Colorado using this service, and I'm talking about lots of people, like people that are in law school and entire classes, and the service works, and, you know, it's a research service and because it's a research service, I mean, and doing the research and the printing and the work for you, it really does enable you to put your best foot forward. I think it's actually probably the best possible use of your job-search time, is using the service. I really don't think there's a better service out there for finding a job in the legal profession.
I want to tell you real briefly a little bit about how the service works, and I think you know, um, you've already completed the first step of the registration. I urge you to keep going. Your odds of finding a job with it are astronomically high, you're almost guaranteed to get interviews. You're not, nothing is sure in this life, but, you know, the more places you're applying to, the much more realistic your odds of getting a job. Basically, you've talked to your employment advocate — I hope you liked the employment advocate you spoke to — and you had your talk and they've identified the employers and hopefully they're in the right practice there in the geographic locations that you're interested in.
And what will happen now is if you decide to go forward with your search, your resume and your cover letter will be uploaded into our system, and once that happens it will go to our resume team. Our resume team has been doing this for about seven years. They are very, very good at what they do. All of that information will come to the resume team, they will take a look at your resume, they will take a look at your cover letter, and they will make sure it's professionally written. That's a big deal. Having a professionally written resume and cover letter is a really important thing. It's something that very, very few people do. You know, you could find yourself doing this on your own and, you know, sending this out with hundreds of typos. I mean, you don't know, or making certain mistakes or saying certain things. The legal industry's a very kind of peculiar industry, so it's important that you make sure that your resume and cover letter are properly done. The cost of what we charge for it is very, very minimal. As a matter of fact, it actually costs us a little bit more than what we charge in terms of our membership fee to get that work done. Well, quite a bit more if you take percentage-wise, but it's a very, very important service, and I recommend that you do it.
All we do are legal resumes. We also own a company called Attorney Resume which is the largest resume company in the country for attorneys and law students. But the point is is that you'll get to there, and they'll start the resume and cover letter. Then what happens is all these places that you're interested in applying to are downloaded generally the day before your information, after you've approved, you know, your search, are downloaded all the contacts from our database. Our database is being updated twenty-four hours a day. At this point we have eleven people that are consistently doing the research on an ongoing basis — there's two different shifts of people — but consistently we go state by state and then we also do the same thing with our in-house contacts. And that information will be sent to another group which is in editing and they will go through those contacts and make sure that they're perfect. And by perfect I mean that, you know, some law firms we want to make sure that it says "street" or "st." or, you know, just abbreviations and things that are consistent. And then we also run it through address-checking software to make sure that the law firms haven't moved, or in the case of corporations they haven't moved, and they move quite often.
And then the information is going to be printed, the resume will be printed, the cover letter will be printed, and, in addition, the information will be taken and boxed. It's boxed very carefully. We use foam to make sure that it doesn't get wrinkled and stuff, and the envelopes are also printed. That information is shipped to you and then you sign them and send them out.
Now what happens, is after you've sent that information out, typically, very, very rapidly you'll start getting phone calls. And this is most people's experience, when I say most people I'm talking about a high percentage of people like 80-90%. Again, the more phone calls you get and the more opportunities you have, the better off you're going to be in terms of your job search and getting jobs. A lot of people have asked me like "What is the benefit of sending this through the mail? Why can't you just email it, why not email it?" and that's a very, very good question, and I'll be very clear with you. A couple reasons: The first reason you want to mail it is because mail is treated differently in legal organizations than it is treated anywhere. It could be a pleading coming into a legal organization, it could be a demand letter, all sorts of things, and so when a letter comes into a legal organization it's typically opened, it's stamped, it's cataloged, and it's routed to the right person, it's put in a file. Emails can be treated differently: they can be deleted, sometimes they're not even delivered. You know, statistics show that internationally a high percentage of emails aren't delivered. From commercial enterprises out to the public it's about 70% of emails are delivered, so about 30 aren't — it depends on the organization, but lots of e-mails do not get delivered.
So, the letter actually gets there and it's filed, and it also makes a very good impression. It shows that you've taken the time to write the legal organization — it's a very, very big deal. That's something that the legal organization takes seriously. If they don't have a job opening, which a lot of them do not, aren't advertising actively for jobs, then what they think when they see that applications is they think, "Hmm, this person must be interested in our firm specifically, maybe they know somebody here, maybe they heard something about us, but we're very flattered to get this application. You know, I've had friends call up — I remember one who was getting calls like he'd done a corporate council search and he was getting calls, and he targeted businesses with like 20 million dollars plus in revenue, so, you know, twenty million is a lot, with twenty million dollars you can have a major restaurant chain in a geographic area — something like that — and he was getting calls from the owners of these companies saying, "Wow, I must have made it if an attorney like you is writing me looking for a job," because they really feel that it's a personal kind of connection that you're making with them. And, you know, so when you send out these letters, it's very, very helpful, and it is making a big difference, and it is reaching, in most cases, in almost all cases, the decision maker unless someone is aggressively screening their mail, which is very, very rare. It's the best way of applying to jobs.
And then the information sits there, it's physical. So um, and then it's filed and they can go back and look at it later, so I highly recommend the mailing. A couple other questions that I think a lot of people have when they have reservations about Legal Authority, and I want to touch on them real briefly. One of the most important ones is "Why are you applying to jobs that aren't open?" and if they don't have an advertised job opening, I think that's precisely the job that you want to apply to. Because then you are not putting yourself into competition with lots and lots of other people. And it's really not a good idea to be competing with hundreds of applicants, especially in the legal arena when you're looking for a job. Another thing is, in addition, there are so many websites out there — I mean, there are thousands of websites where legal jobs are advertised — so if you are applying to jobs, on your own, or through a service, and you apply to every job in the city or ever employer that matches what you want to do…If that job has openings, you're also throwing yourself into the hat for that opening, and you know you're also doing it with a letter which very, very few people take time to write, and a letter sends out the formality.
I highly believe in Legal Authority, I have seen so many people get jobs. I started the company, actually, back in 2000 during the dot-com boom because no one could get jobs, and no one could get jobs for recruiters, and no one was getting jobs online or anywhere. And we started this company — it was actually built by tons and tons of attorneys that would actually come into my office; I used to redo their resumes for free and help them send out letters and it grew into a business, and it works, and it's worked for years. It's worked for generations of attorneys and law students. I hope you use this service, I think it's going to make a giant difference. I encourage you to be broad in your search, and I really do appreciate you taking the time to speak with one of our employment advocates, and I really hope that we can be of service to you. The one thing about a job search that I would say is, the longer you delay, the more trouble it is, and I would strongly encourage you to act immediately because the longer you're looking for a job, the harder it is to find a job especially in the legal industry.
And just another thing: I understand that the service can be expensive — the business lost money, it was basically funded by my savings for years because it's an extremely expensive service to provide in terms of the printing and the data collection, and having attorneys that are talking to you, and very expensive service to provide, so we do offer financing, and I used to do the service for a lot of people for free, and I still sort of do, I guess. We offer six months, I think, if you're looking for a job, so six months the same as cash, and then you can pay, or we offer, if you're in school, I don't believe you have to pay until you get out, so that's something you can certainly ask about if you haven't been told about it yet.
I would love to help you get a job. I hope we can. I believe in Legal Authority, you should too. Look at the testimonials on our site, there's thousands of them, and they're not made up. These are all real testimonials, and we get them every day. People love the service. It works. I hope you can use it, and I wish you the best, and I encourage you right now to call your employment advocate or send them an email, get going with your search. Thanks again, I'm Harrison Barnes, the founder and CEO of Legal Authority. Bye bye.